Best parks to go with your children in Málaga

Best parks to go with your children in Málaga

The good weather encourages you to leave the house and enjoy outdoor activities, but often it happens that if you have children you don’t have a clear idea of ​​where to go so they can also have a great time. And how could it be otherwise, we don’t want to forget about the smallest people of the house, so we propose a guide with the best parks to go with your children in Malaga so you can all enjoy a wonderful day.

Parks to go to with your children in Malaga


We began our tour in the western area of ​​the city, with a park that has more than 25 years of history and 74,000 square meters couldn’t be left out of our list of the best parks to go with your son in Málaga. El Parque del Oeste has several areas adapted for the game and enjoy for the smallest, but the most impressive thing is the huge lake that is inside with a geyser, this is one of the most colourful spots of the place, it has 45 sculptures, some mythological, created by Stefan von Reiswitz, a German artist based in the city. In addition, for the bigger children, they will be able to enjoy several basketball and soccer courts to entertain themselves practicing their favorite sports, it is undoubtedly one of the best parks in Malaga.


Also located in the western area of ​​the city and close to the Ciudad de Málaga athletics stadium and the Martín Carpena Sports Palace, Parque Litoral is a modern and recently opened park and undoubtedly one of the best parks to go with your kids in Málaga. In each corner, this park has areas designed for children of all ages, but without a doubt the most significant is the hill, which has slides and a wooden gazebo, with which children will surely enjoy for hours and hours.

parque litoral ideal para ir con tus hijos


Now in the heart of the city, and next to the Plaza de la Marina, the park’s promenade begins, with an estimated length of 33 hectares and separates the port of Malaga from the city centre. This park has multiple subtropical species, being considered one of the most important parks in Europe in terms of its diversity of exotic plants. It is undoubtedly an ideal park to go with your children in Malaga, since you can show them the diversity of plants that are there as well as take them to enjoy the different playgrounds distributed inside.

The best part of the tour through the park of Málaga, is to reach the end of the route and meet the source of the Three Graces, which welcomes the Malaga Alcazaba and offer wonderful views.

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It is now the turn of the Teatinos neighbourhood of Malaga, which has one of the most original parks in the city. It is not other than the Cinema Park, a space with gardens and inspired by the Seventh Art World. The originality of this park can be seen in its strolls drawn as a colorful film scroll, yellow tile roads as in the Wizard of Oz, or even a walk of fame. Also, you could not miss a playground for the little ones and another one for the children a little older where they can find up to a zip line.


This playground is a theme park inspired by the famous work of Robert Louis Stevenson, and opened in 2013. Located in the Puerto de la Torre, this park has more than 800 square meters, a huge green area in which stands a hill where several slides with a tower rest, the mast of a boat with ropes to climb and tiered nets to climb the island and several multigame zones. One of the nicest parks to go with your children in Malaga.

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