10 traditional dishes from Malaga you have to try

Malaga is known by its landscapes, climate and friendly people but also for its rich and varied gastronomy. Some of its dishes are well known by most of its visitors, for example last year a campaign was launched for the candidature of the Espeto as Intangible Cultural Heritage. Luckily, it is not the only gastronomic gem that hides the city, any tourist or visitor should not leave Malaga without trying some of the traditional dishes from Malaga that we list below.

Traditional dishes from Malaga ????

“Espeto de sardinas” or spit of sardines

Visiting Malaga and not trying a spit of sardines in a local beach bar is actually a serious punishable crime. They are delicious and there’s nothing better than “espetos” and a very cold beer on a sunny day by the sea.

Where to eat “espetos” in Malaga? If you value proximity our bet is the Playa of the  Malagueta but prices are lower and the experience is more authentic in the beach of El Palo which used to be the main fisherman’s neighbourhood in Malaga.

Platos típicos de Málaga

Porra antequerana

Similar to Cordovan salmorejo and the popular gazpacho, this cold thick soup typical of Antequera is made of bread, tomato, green pepper, garlic and vinegar. It is also seasoned with tuna, boiled egg and virgin olive oil. It is a dish that is served at any time of the year, although it is more popular in the warm summer months, as it provides a touch of freshness at lunchtime.

Malaga salad

This salad is one of the most traditional dishes among the locals. The main ingredient is potatoes, accompanied with oranges, cod, chives and olives. It is a fresh and healthy dish that does not disappoint anyone. I am now 54 and have been suffering from a generalized anxiety disorder with all the trimmings for 35 years. I kept myself well afloat for almost 30 years with psychotherapy, valerian, sports, and work. About 6 years ago it didn’t work anymore. My therapist sent me to a very responsible neurologist. We then sneaked into ultram (https://jeffreylichtman.com/ultram-online/). If you want to try this typical Malaga dish, you will not find it difficult, since it is very easy to find in the downtown bars and restaurants. Tip: some add vinegar in the dressing.

[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]Do you want to know more traditional dishes of Malaga? Do not miss the opportunity to take a private tour in Malaga where, in addition to showing you the best corners of the city, we will tell you about other gastronomic specialties that you should not miss.[/quote]

“Ajoblanco” or whitegarlic

It is considered as a variant of the Andalusian gazpacho for its main ingredients: bread, oil and garlic. Sweet and bitter, this cold soup is one of the culinary specialities of the Axarquia area. Its more prominent ingredient is almond, which gives it that bitter touch that bewitches all those who try it. If you visit this area of ​​Malaga is a dish you must definitely try.

“Plato de los montes” or dish of the mountains

A dish that will not leave you hungry and few will be able to get to dessert. This speciality has many variants in which fried potatoes and fried eggs are always present but can also be accompanied by chorizo, peppers, crumbs, lard, bacon, and blood sausage among others. It is a delicious dish but if you have cholesterol, you should think twice before ordering it.

Plato de los Montes

“Rabo de toro a la rondeña” or Ronda’s oxtail

If you visit Ronda you should try the oxtail special. Not for nothing has it become one of its gastronomic emblems. Its sauce made with red wine, carrots, leeks, onions as main ingredients gives it a special flavor. If you like sauce you’ll love this dish.

“Berzas” or Malaga’s cabbage or

It’s a traditional dish of inland Málaga that you can also find in restaurants on the city centre. It consists of cabbage, beans, chickpeas and pork products such as chorizo, blood sausage, bacon and ribs. It is an ideal dish for those who love lick the plate clean.

“Fritura” or Malaga’s Fried fish

A traditional dish of the Andalusian coast and an authentic classic in any worthy chiringuito. Perfect to share, it is made up of several local fish, each bar or restaurant serves it in a different way, adding squid, anchovies, baby cuttlefish, jack mackarel, kingklip…

“Concha fina” or Big Clams on the half shell

This bivalve mollusk usually served when it is 6 cm in diameter is one of the great dishes you can find on the Costa del Sol if you love seafood. Served raw with a bit of lemon and/or pepper can be found in many chiringuitos of the city.

“Campero” or Camper sandwich

We could not say goodbye without talking about a speciality consumed daily by many in Málaga. Made with round crunchy toast, it’s stuffed with cheese, ham, chicken, lettuce and mayonnaise. It is a sandwich you can find at a good price in most bars in Málaga.

Campero de Málaga

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