Free tours VS Private tours

It could be said that there are two types of people, those who meticulously plan the trip and normally opt for hiring a private tour and those more adventurous and impulsive who prefer join a free tours usually booked on the same day or not booked at all. Both options are good and have advantages and disadvantages. That is why today we tell you everything you need to know if you opt for a free tour and the advantages of doing a private tour.

¿What is a private tour?

The private tour is the perfect way to get to know a city with a guide that creates a customised route through the most interesting places of the city. On a private tour, you will not rush through monuments, the guide will be just for you and will adapt to your needs and spend more time on the monuments you find interesting. A private tour is the ideal option for families, cruise passengers, groups of friends, business trips and groups in general. It is a great opportunity to customise your tour, taking into account the needs and preferences of your group and giving more importance to what you really want to discover.

Descurbir Málaga con un Tour

Custom private tours in Málaga

The average tour length is about 2.5 hours and you can book according to your language, the most common are Spanish and English but are also available in French or Italian. The meeting points and the key points of the tour can be chosen by the traveller, although it is best to opt for one of the recommendations. For example, in our private tour of Málaga, we have several preset routes that can be adapted to the taste of the traveller.

Accessibility depends on the established route, most of our recommended routes are suitable for all ages,wheelchairs and blind people.  In short, a private tour lets you venture into Málaga at your own pace.

Comparison between a free tour or a private tour in Málaga

Each kind of tour has its advantages, everything will depend on the time you want to devote to the view, the depth with which you want to know the city and the budget you want to allocate. If you want to make a reservation for a private tour, keep in mind that you can enjoy:

Advantages of doing a private tour

  • Adapted to you and your group.
  • Lasts as much as you want.
  • Flexible schedule.
  • Privacy.
  • More control if you are responsible of a group.

Ventajas de hacer un tour privado

Advantages of doing a free tour

We recommend to plan ahead and book with us a spot in our free tours, it helps us to have enough guides at the meeting point, it really makes us sad to say No to someone who wants to know more about Málaga.

The best things of doing a free tour are:

  • It is cheaper than a private tour.
  • You discover  interesting things about the city thanks to other participants questions during the free tour.
  • You get to meet new people.
  • Flexibility to pay for the service.

In the end, the mission of free tours and private tours in Málaga is that everyone, regardless of their budget, can get to know the local culture and enjoy an experience with expert staff in the city of Málaga. So let yourself be guided by the best of Málaga and enjoy yourself!

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